Allow me to first introduce what I call: "The Books Parliament" visually <3

The feeling of being in the middle of this "Books Parliament" is amazing.. you can hear and see book looking at you.. and speaking directly to you!!
Keeping aside my "emotions," lets have a look at its 3 floors..
First Floor: The Learning Enhancement Center (LEC)
This is the most active part of the library. It has been designed to give that less-formal feeling for students in which students are gathered to develop their English Skills, eat at Colombiana Cafe or simply chat!! oh, and restrooms are located in this floor ^.^

Second Floor:
The Heart of the Books Parliament! besides the above wow photographs of the Parliament.. there are several useful rooms and areas: Study area, Group study rooms, Graduate room, Presentation Rooms, Periodical Section, Reference Section and General Books from A to O..

Third Floor: General Collections from O to Z and empty shelves for future use.. Plus the wow view over the Books Parliament..

In my next post.. I'll discuss the seating areas and the lighting of the Books of Parliaments.. let me know if you have a Q about Zayed University New Library ^.^
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