I've delayed my breakfast to review some of my PhD notes.. Just before I leave my computer.. I checked my twitter account.. wanted to tweet plenty of things.. starting with my usual have a lovely morning all to replies to each individual tweeps.. However, I remembered that I promised myself to write one tweet per day to save my 11111th tweet for my "ANJAZT" announcement of my PhD -.-;;;
An old drafted unpublished post pop-uped in mind.. about the difference between a blog post and a tweet.. I smiled and said ok! i'll say everything in one post.. and send one tweet with the link ^.^;;;
There was not a single chance to ignore my breakfast to write this post.. till i read @DressageDancer's timeline: "there were moments when I was diagnosed with Cancer, when all I thought of, am I ready to meet Him (Allah) & if I did what would I see"..
I remembered a talk I had with a friend yesterday.. If there is a chance for a person to develop then why can't we give him/her that chance? they are in need of our hands.. In an instant, a person might vanished.. What remains is his/her actions.. And that what s/he would be judged upon at the HereafterDay.. You do believe in that, don't you?!
Last week a Kuwaiti tweep passed-away.. I have zero knowledge about him.. but the huge number of retweets of his previous tweets made me curious.. I started to reflect on everything around me.. we are just living a tiny fraction of a second out of the total age of the universe.. what are we up to?! Guess I've been influenced by the time I spent studying @MalekBN 's books.. His way in discussing the problem of ideas in the Arab world affected my actions ever after (1) (2)!!
With such a reflection in mind I came across a tweet while looking at the trending topic of Arabs by @RynoHolmes1911: I should correct his point now.. it is not about being Arabs that helped us to over come the sadness of losing someone.. it is about being Muslims that believe in Allah and the Judgment day..
I said it previously when I started a private blog.. "The only obstacle that might stop [a person] from reaching his dreams.. and there is no way to keep it a way.. is his short lifespan! Don't panic.. it is a fact that any human should adopt to it.. and re-plan everything accordingly.." So, will you still hold ur ideas tight in ur mind in order to protect it?! for how long?! what if your life ended.. and no body benefits out of your "mind?"
Personally, I've chosen to pass as much knowledge as I can to people around me.. motivate them to achieve.. and to smile for them.. cuz I have faith that Allah is there and my Angels are counting that for me -inshallah!!
This is a beginning of a new year.. I assume lots of you have written their new resolutions for 2012.. will you have the chance to review them.. and adjust them in away for them to last for ever as your brightest achievements?! I can give you a single advice.. write at the beginning of your resolutions' sheet: "اللهم إني أعوذ بك من أن أشرك بك شيئا أعلمه وأستغفرك لما لا أعلمه" w wish u luck!
P.S. I wrote this post in English as a reply to @DressageDancer's tweets.. She inspired me.. and I had to pay her back..
مشكورة.. هذه التدوينة في ميزان حسناتج إن شاء الله ^.^
والشكر موصول لكل من تمنى لي التوفيق في رسالتي أو وصلني بدعاء في ظهر الغيب..
Yes i am totally agreed with this article and i just want say that this article is very nice and very informative article Butterfly Garden